The core of this 226-acre preserve in the Oak Openings of Lucas County is a treeless, wet sedge meadow dominated by several species of sedges, rushes and wetland grasses. It is the finest remaining sedge meadow in the state. The preserve is actually comprised of a mosaic of distinctive plant communities based on variations in water table levels. Tall grass wet prairie communities dominated by big bluestem and spiked blazing-star; sedge meadow dominated by twig-rush; shrub swamp dominated by shrubby species of dogwoods and willows; grass meadow dominated by blue-joint grass and northern reed-grass; and swamp forest dominated by pin oak and cottonwood, are all represented. More than 26 state-listed species of plants occur here including red baneberry, Sartwell's sedge, fringed gentian, Kalm's St. John's-wort, Riddell's goldenrod, and grass-leaf arrowhead. Control of woody species is a regular management regime to maintain the open sedge meadows.
We had 8 volunteers and we got a lot of cutting done on the wisteria infestation in four hours. We cut the vines at the base. Next spring, Ryan, the preserve manager, will spray the foliage when the wisteria resprouts. It was a large infestation on the edge of the woods and road, covering the trees. It was a worthwhile project as it clearly has been there for many years, likely escaped from a home site. We had a short walk along the boardwalk at the end to see the main sedge meadow and the burning they had done this fall. Thank you to all who joined us, Jennifer Windus.
The core of this 226-acre preserve in the Oak Openings of Lucas County is a treeless, wet sedge meadow dominated by several species of sedges, rushes and wetland grasses. It is the finest remaining sedge meadow in the state. The preserve is actually comprised of a mosaic of distinctive plant communities based on variations in water table levels. Tall grass wet prairie communities dominated by big bluestem and spiked blazing-star; sedge meadow dominated by twig-rush; shrub swamp dominated by shrubby species of dogwoods and willows; grass meadow dominated by blue-joint grass and northern reed-grass; and swamp forest dominated by pin oak and cottonwood, are all represented. More than 26 state-listed species of plants occur here including red baneberry, Sartwell's sedge, fringed gentian, Kalm's St. John's-wort, Riddell's goldenrod, and grass-leaf arrowhead. Control of woody species is a regular management regime to maintain the open sedge meadows.
We had 8 volunteers and we got a lot of cutting done on the wisteria infestation in four hours. We cut the vines at the base. Next spring, Ryan, the preserve manager, will spray the foliage when the wisteria resprouts. It was a large infestation on the edge of the woods and road, covering the trees. It was a worthwhile project as it clearly has been there for many years, likely escaped from a home site. We had a short walk along the boardwalk at the end to see the main sedge meadow and the burning they had done this fall. Thank you to all who joined us, Jennifer Windus.