We have several stewardship projects planned for the winter. We will include a short field trip on each project to see some of the preserve where we are working. When registering to volunteer, please allow 48 hours prior to the project as weather may impact conditions and we make every effort to inform our volunteers of changes. Thank you!
Download the Winter January-March Project List HERE.
Questions: Contact us HERE.
Registration: Please let us know you are joining us, sign up HERE. Volunteer Forms: If you are joining us for volunteer stewardship training or for one or more stewardship projects, please complete our Volunteer forms found HERE. Volunteer Hours: At the completion of a project, please enter your time (Including travel time to and from the site) HERE. |
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Woody Species Removal at Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve 10:30 am – 3:30 pm Alexander Rd, Marblehead Ottawa County Lakeside Daisy State Nature Preserve is home to Lakeside daisy and at least 11 other state-listed rare plant species. Lakeside daisy is listed as Threatened by the US Fish & Wildlife Service (1988) and Endangered by the Division of Natural Areas & Preserves (1980). It is only known to occur naturally in Ohio on the Marblehead Peninsula and two locations in Ontario. It has been reintroduced to Illinois and one small population of questionable origin occurs in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. DNAP and USFWS have introduced the daisy to Kelleys Island and Castalia Quarry Metro Park in appropriate limestone habitat. The Lakeside Daisy SNP was first acquired at 19 acres of abandoned quarry land in 1988, but fortunately DNAP was able to purchase another 118 acres from Lafarge-Holcim for daisy protection and restoration. Our project involves removal of woody species, primarily red cedars, to improve habitat for the daisies and other listed plants on the original north section. We will be cutting and |
treating woody species, hauling the trees and shrubs to brush piles
Directions: We will meet at the Lakeside Daisy SNP on Alexander Pike where the preserve sign is located (north end). What to bring: Lunch, water, hiking boots. DNAP, USFWS, and ONAPA will provide tools and conduct the herbicide application. RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning. |
best example in north central Ohio of what famous Ohio ecologist, Paul Sears called “oak openings.” The 114-acre preserve owned by the private non-profit organization, Killbuck Watershed Land Trust, protects two oak barrens containing 6 state-listed plants, including the threatened thyme-leaved pinweed. ONAPA has been assisting the KWLT with habitat management to restore the two oak openings. We will be working in the North Barrens, cutting and treating woody stems. Trained KWLT and ONAPA volunteers will conduct the herbicide application.
Directions: From Brinkhaven (Gann) on U.S. Rt. 62, drive about 4 ¼ miles east on U.S. Route 62 to Holmes Co. Rd. 25. Drive about ¾ mile north to an intersection and turn left (west) on to Township Road 13. Drive for about
1.2 miles and the parking lot will be on the right. The parking lot is about 500 feet beyond the old railroad overpass, on the right (it is hard to see as it is a grass parking lot with no signage) -- in winter, we park along the road near the parking lot.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, hiking boots, gloves. ONAPA and KWLT will provide tools and conduct herbicide application.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Directions: From Brinkhaven (Gann) on U.S. Rt. 62, drive about 4 ¼ miles east on U.S. Route 62 to Holmes Co. Rd. 25. Drive about ¾ mile north to an intersection and turn left (west) on to Township Road 13. Drive for about
1.2 miles and the parking lot will be on the right. The parking lot is about 500 feet beyond the old railroad overpass, on the right (it is hard to see as it is a grass parking lot with no signage) -- in winter, we park along the road near the parking lot.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, hiking boots, gloves. ONAPA and KWLT will provide tools and conduct herbicide application.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 -- IF FROZEN; Jackson Bog is back-up project if Bonnett Pond not frozen
Woody species removal at Bonnett Pond Bog State Nature Preserve
Woody species removal at Bonnett Pond Bog State Nature Preserve
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
State Route 179, Northeast of Loudonville, Holmes County Bonnett Pond Bog State Nature Preserve is a small, 16-acre, high-quality sphagnum kettle-hole bog. A floating sphagnum mat with bog plants such as large cranberry, poison sumac, round-leaved sundew, swamp loosestrife, little prickly sedge, white beak-rush, highbush blueberry, and glaucous sedge surround the dark acidic waters of the bog lake. There are some large trees on the wooded slopes surrounding the kettle-hole bog. Our project includes removing woody shrubs such as highbush blueberry from the bog meadow. We will be using the cut stump treatment method. Each shrub will be cut with loppers and the stump will be treated with herbicide to prevent re-sprouting. Trained DNAP staff and ONAPA volunteers will conduct the herbicide application. Note that poison sumac is present in this bog, so special care will be taken to avoid it. |
Directions: In Washington Township, the preserve is located on State Route 179. From Loudonville, proceed northeast on SR 3. Turn right on SR 179. The preserve will be on the left before you reach Lakeville. Parking is very limited; a few cars can park at the edge of the field near the electric substation, while others may need to park at the intersection of SR 3 and SR 179 (and be shuttled to the preserve). The preserve is mostly wooded and you will see state nature preserve boundary signs from the road. Due to the lack of facilities and the sensitive species present in the small bog, access is usually by permit only from the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided. RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning. WE WILL NOTIFY VOLUNTEERS WHO REGISTER IF THE WORK SITE IS CHANGED TO JACKSON BOG. |
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Woody Species Removal at Singer Lake Bog (Cleveland Museum of Natural History) 10:30 am - 3:30 pm Thursby Avenue, https://maps.app.goo.gl/RPq91EE8EVfet9kAA?g_st=ic Summit County Singer Lake Bog is one of the largest and most pristine bog complexes remaining in Ohio. The site is home to over 30 state listed plant species and 72 species of Odonata have been documented. It is owned and managed by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. We will be cutting and treating woody invasive plants that threaten this |
wetland complex. The area we will be working in is fairly dry, but knee high boots are recommended.
Directions: Singer Lake Bog Preserve is located north of Massillon. Take SR 241 north from Massillon and turn left or west on to Mount Pleasant Street. Turn right or north on Thursby Avenue and you should see cars along the road. Or use this point to find the parking location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RPq91EE8EVfet9kAA?g_st=ic
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained CMNH staff and ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Directions: Singer Lake Bog Preserve is located north of Massillon. Take SR 241 north from Massillon and turn left or west on to Mount Pleasant Street. Turn right or north on Thursby Avenue and you should see cars along the road. Or use this point to find the parking location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RPq91EE8EVfet9kAA?g_st=ic
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained CMNH staff and ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Woody Species Control at Travertine Fen 10:30 am - 3:30 pm SR 725, Spring Valley Greene County Travertine Fen contains a high-quality prairie fen with numerous rare species. The preserve is owned and managed by Greene County Parks and Trails. An access permit from Greene County Parks and Trails is required to visit the preserve. This 21-acre site is located northeast of the Little Miami Scenic Bikeway, just beyond the Bellbrook Avenue Bridge. It is a protected wetland fed by springs and is home to many rare species. This state nature preserve has had little management in the fen meadows for many years. |
ONAPA has offered to work with DNAP to restore the fen meadows which are overrun with woody species and cattails. On this stewardship project, we will be working in one of the fen meadows to cut and treat woody species, pushing back the woody species around the fen meadow core.
Directions: We will be parking along SR 725, near the bike trail and auto body shop. We will walk back along the bike trail to access the preserve and fen meadows.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Directions: We will be parking along SR 725, near the bike trail and auto body shop. We will walk back along the bike trail to access the preserve and fen meadows.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Woody Species Control at Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area
Woody Species Control at Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
S.R. 83 PFO site (Holmes County) This 5,671-acre wildlife area is situated in northeastern Ohio in portions of Wayne and Holmes counties. The area extends north from Holmesville to three miles south of Wooster, and lies between State Route 83 on the east and State Route 226 on the west. The area is in a shallow, U-shaped glacial outwash valley. Approximately half of the wildlife area consists of marsh and swamp that is flooded during some portion of the year. This |
wetland complex is Ohio’s largest remaining marshland outside of the Lake Erie region. We will be working at one of the sites for Eastern prairie fringed orchid (PFO) which occurs at Killbuck Marsh.
We will be cutting woody species, primarily dogwood, alder, and willow, hauling brush out of the sedge meadow, and treating the cut stems with herbicide. Herbicide treatment will be done by DOW staff or trained ONAPA volunteers. ONAPA will provide loppers and handsaws.
Directions: This PFO site is located on the west side of S.R. 83, north of Holmesville. We will park off the road near the oil well tanks. If you have not worked at this site before, more detailed directions will be sent to you after you register for the project.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
We will be cutting woody species, primarily dogwood, alder, and willow, hauling brush out of the sedge meadow, and treating the cut stems with herbicide. Herbicide treatment will be done by DOW staff or trained ONAPA volunteers. ONAPA will provide loppers and handsaws.
Directions: This PFO site is located on the west side of S.R. 83, north of Holmesville. We will park off the road near the oil well tanks. If you have not worked at this site before, more detailed directions will be sent to you after you register for the project.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Thursday, February 20, 2025 Clean-up in the pine plantation area of Crane Hollow State Nature Preserve 10:30am – 3:30pm Gibisonville (Hocking County) Located in Hocking County, Crane Hollow Preserve is part of the unglaciated Allegheny Plateau. The Preserve features varied native vegetation, along with cliffs and ravines formed in Black Hand Sandstone. William and Jane Ann Ellis began protecting the Crane Hollow watershed in 1977. In addition to preserving and managing Crane Hollow, scientific research is an important part of Crane Hollow's program. Studies of the preserve's geology, flora and fauna, and other natural features have been or are being conducted. In 1990, 1,200 acres of the Crane Hollow Preserve became part of the State of Ohio Nature Preserve system. Between the years of 2002-2011, an additional 85 acres were dedicated, increasing the size of the dedicated nature preserve to 1,285. |
Crane Hollow is in the process of removing a planted white pine plantation within the preserve. Trees have been cut down and assistance is needed to clean up the branches and smaller logs to facilitate access for invasive plant control. ONAPA will be helping with this clean-up work.
Directions: Crane Hollow is access by permit only or guided hikes. It is located south of Gibisonville on SR 374. Volunteers who register for this project will be provided more specific directions of where to meet before the project.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, hiking boots.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Directions: Crane Hollow is access by permit only or guided hikes. It is located south of Gibisonville on SR 374. Volunteers who register for this project will be provided more specific directions of where to meet before the project.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, hiking boots.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Woody Species Control at Cedar Bog State Nature Preserve 10:30 am – 3:30 pm 980 Woodburn Road, Urbana Champaign County Cedar Bog has been referred to as "The Crown Jewel of Natural Areas in Ohio." While there are many crown jewel nature preserves in Ohio, this special preserve is located in southern Champaign County in the Mad River Valley between the Farmersville and Springfield moraines. The moraines were left behind when the Wisconsin Glaciers receded 10,000-15,000 years ago. Cedar Bog is actually a fen (not a bog), with a constant source of alkaline water flowing through it. Cedar Bog has the highest biodiversity index of any preserve in the state and is home to many rare, threatened and endangered animal species.
ONAPA volunteers will be helping DNAP and the Cedar Bog Association remove white cedars and other invasive species in fen meadows. The stems will be cut and treated with herbicide in most locations and the woody stems removed from the meadows.
Directions: Cedar Bog is located off of US 68 at 980 Woodburn Road, about 3 miles south of Urbana and 1 mile north of the Clark/Champaign County line.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained Cedar Bog staff and ONAPA volunteers.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Directions: Cedar Bog is located off of US 68 at 980 Woodburn Road, about 3 miles south of Urbana and 1 mile north of the Clark/Champaign County line.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained Cedar Bog staff and ONAPA volunteers.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Woody species control at Medway Prairie Fringed Orchid Site
Woody species control at Medway Prairie Fringed Orchid Site
10:30 am – 3:30 pm
Union Road, Medway Clark County This site is a small wetland, primarily an alkaline wet sedge meadow surrounded by farm fields, and is owned by the City of Dayton’s Water Department as a wellfield. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and DNAP have been cooperating with the City of Dayton by verbal agreement since a significant population of the Eastern prairie fringed orchid was reported at this site in 1993. Regular habitat management is necessary to maintain the open sedge meadow, which has been declining for several years due to woody species encroachment. ONAPA will be cooperating with USFWS and DNAP on this project to cut and treat woody species in the area where most of the orchids are located. Directions: From Columbus, proceed west on I-70. Take exit 26B to exit onto Spangler Road north towards Medway. After crossing the Mad River, turn right on to Union Road. The site, owned by the City of Dayton, Water Department, is on the right. Parking will be along the roadside. |
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Woody Species Control at Daughmer Savanna State Nature Preserve
Woody Species Control at Daughmer Savanna State Nature Preserve
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
786 Marion-Melmore Road, Bucyrus
Crawford County
Daughmer Prairie Savannah is one of the finest prairie savannas in the country. It is a state nature preserve managed by Crawford Park District. The prairie has been grazed, but never farmed. Ever since ODNR purchased the site in 2011 and the sheep were removed, a number of invasive species have appeared.
We will be cutting and treating woody species. We will also control other invasive plants as encountered in the savanna.
Directions: Meet at the parking lot located at 786 Marion-Melmore Road, one mile north of State Route 294, in Crawford County about 9 miles southwest of Bucyrus.
What to bring: Water, lunch, sunscreen, insect repellant, gloves, and muck boots. Tools will be furnished but you may bring your own.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
786 Marion-Melmore Road, Bucyrus
Crawford County
Daughmer Prairie Savannah is one of the finest prairie savannas in the country. It is a state nature preserve managed by Crawford Park District. The prairie has been grazed, but never farmed. Ever since ODNR purchased the site in 2011 and the sheep were removed, a number of invasive species have appeared.
We will be cutting and treating woody species. We will also control other invasive plants as encountered in the savanna.
Directions: Meet at the parking lot located at 786 Marion-Melmore Road, one mile north of State Route 294, in Crawford County about 9 miles southwest of Bucyrus.
What to bring: Water, lunch, sunscreen, insect repellant, gloves, and muck boots. Tools will be furnished but you may bring your own.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Woody Species Removal at Gallagher Fen State Nature Preserve 10:30 am – 3:30 pm 4709 Old Columbus Rd, Springfield Clark County This high-quality spring-fed alkaline wetland is an exceptionally fine example of a prairie fen community in the state and protects at least 27 state-listed species. In addition to protecting the prairie fen ecosystem, a secondary management goal is to perpetuate the bur oak savanna-prairie community and to restore the oak woodlands-barren community on the uplands at this site. The goal of this project will be to work on removal of woody species in the eastern fen meadow. We will be cutting and treating the stumps of invasive woody species on the savanna hillsides. Directions: The grass parking area is located on the south side of Old Columbus Road between Bird Road and Redmond Road. |
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, and gloves. Herbicide treatment will be done by DNAP staff or trained ONAPA volunteers. Tools will be provided. RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning. |
The state-endangered Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, a small woodpecker, utilizes wooded habitat in the park for foraging and shelter. Granite boulders carried by Ohio’s last ice age 100,000 years ago dot the landscape. Small streams that comprise the headwaters of Wolf Run, which flows to the Kokosing River, grace the landscape.
We will be assisting the Knox County Park District to control woody species invading grassland units which have been burned recently (ONAPA helps the park district with prescribed burning). We will work in at least two units in or adjacent to Wolf Run Park, which is located on the east side of Mount Vernon.
DIRECTIONS: We will meet at the park district house on Yauger Road, which is just east from the Wolf Run main parking lot.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.
We will be assisting the Knox County Park District to control woody species invading grassland units which have been burned recently (ONAPA helps the park district with prescribed burning). We will work in at least two units in or adjacent to Wolf Run Park, which is located on the east side of Mount Vernon.
DIRECTIONS: We will meet at the park district house on Yauger Road, which is just east from the Wolf Run main parking lot.
What to bring: Bring lunch, water, gloves, and good hiking boots. Herbicide treatment will be done by licensed or trained ONAPA stewardship assistants and volunteers. Tools will be provided.
RSVP: If you would like to attend, please REGISTER. If you have questions, please contact The Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association HERE. Online registration is important for our planning.